Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Questions, Questions, Questions.

Thanks to Lostbean and her excel skills, we have a whole bunch of questions, all collected and in one place. I've invited LB to be a team member at this blog, so she and I will do the best we can to update this spot as often as possible. If you think of more questions, or (Heaven Forbid!) we get answers, we'll post them here as quickly as we can.

That said, here are the questions. I've done some minor editing to make the "questions" into questions when they were phrased as statements. Sorry I couldn't put them up like LB did with credit to each person who submitted a question. You know who you are...

New questions (less than 2 weeks old) will be in red italics.

I am posting answers in green. If anyone disagrees with them, let me know, but I will only post what I think has been obviously answered, either on the show or through the posts already made. If we agree on these answeres, the questions can be deleted. - Charlotte

Adam & Eve
Who are Adam and Eve and what killed them?

What are the significance of the black and white stones (also seen with the backgammon game)?

Bad Twin

Why doesn't Sawyer recognize some similarities between the manuscript "Bad Twin" he was reading and the situation they are in on the island? Dharma and Hanso should stand out at least. Possibly it just wasn't that memorable a book.


Why was it flying over the Pacific?

Benjamin Linus

Why did Ben come to the hatch? Why did he use a false name? Was he really there for Locke?

Where was he going when he was captured by Rousseau?

Why didn't the island or Jacob heal Ben?

How did he become the leader of the Others when he was recruited by Richard?

Why was his birthday chosen as the day to for the purge?

When he shot Locke in the gut, was he testing Locke, Jacob, or the healing properties of the Island?

What happened to Annie?

Why did Ben think that he could convice the Losties to give up the phone?

The Black Rock

How did it end up so far inland?

Were there any survivors, and are they the Others or the ancestors of the Others?

Was it a slave ship or a convict ship?

Why push the button every 108 minutes, and why a series of numbers vs. one button or one word?

Did not pushing the button (in Season 2 finale) result in the purple sky and the horrific humming?


What is the cable Sayid found (one end goes in the water and one end goes in the jungle)? We do know now that it leads to the Looking Glass Station. Whether it was a power cable or a communications cable, we don't know.

Did he close himself into the communication room in order to make Desmond's vision of Claire and Aaron's rescue come true?

Why did Christian feel the need to take a body guard with him to confront Jack's 1/2 sister's mother?

What happened to his body? Is he really dead?

Is/was he a part of dharma?

Why did he assign the name "Sarah" to Ana Lucia (I know that was Jack's wife's name)?

What happened to Cindy (and her boyfriend with whom she was travelling)? Cindy was last scene with the Others and the two kids from the tail section. As for her boyfriend, we don't know.

Why was she given a choice about Aaron's fate when others (Michael and Rousseau) weren't?

Could Dave be a former or current "other," or how is he connected with the story aside from Hurley?

What orders did he not follow?

Why could he not sail away from the island?

Other than Locke's speech, why has he only had flashes of Charlie's death? If Charlie's death had not been part of his vision of the parachutist, would he have had it? Will his visions continue now that Charlie is dead?

What effects did his deja vu/time travel experience have? Is Desmond's past changed by it? Is anyone else's?

Do the Others know about him? Was Kelvin keeping him a secret in order to use his sailboat to escape?

What is Brother Campbell's relationship to Ms. Hawking?

Why and when did all the dharma scientists leave the island (or haven't they-are they the others?) We have seen the purge.

How did Marvin Candle lose his arm? Is he the Montand that Rouseau refers to who lost his arm near the Black Rock? Has he ever been to the island?

Why did Candle use the name Wickmund on the Pearl video? Are they the same guy? Twins? Why does he have a real arm in one and a fake arm in the other when the are both from 1980? (6/9/2007)

Why are there still supply drops going on? And how do they happen without anyone hearing them?

Did Alvar Hanso know that the Island was inhabited when he set up the DHARMA Initiative to work there?

Does DHARMA still exist? If it does, has its mission changed?


Why does Jack think it was a big mistake to get off the Island?

Who was Jack asking forgiveness from when he was on the bridge?

How did Jack and Kate get off the Island? Were they the only two rescued?

Who is "he" that Kate mentioned?

Why has Kate insisted that Jack not contact her? Why is their relationship so strained?

Who was in the casket? Why did no one show up? Why was Jack upset, but not Kate?

Is Christian Shephard alive, or is Jack just too drunk to know what's what?

Why is Kate no longer a fugitive? Did she take another identity?

What is Jack tired of lying about?

Was this a real future or only a possible future? Was it an alternate timeline in which Jack didn't turn in his father and Kate kill her stepfather? If so, why were they on the plane?

Does Oceanic have the worst frequent flyer program ever, or what?

Four-Toed Statue

What is the four-toed statue? 7/25/06

Was it made by the same people who erected the pillar? The Temple?

Whose glass eye was in the Tailies hatch? Unconfirmed, but perhaps Mikhail Bakunin's.

Why do they say quarantine on them? Is it because of the purge?

Where in the Pearl did they store all those containers for the tube (Jack et all found so many!)

Why wasn't the tape a betamaxx? VHS wasn't as common when home recording was 1st introduced?

If the button is real, what is the point of the Pearl?

Hatch - Looking Glass

How or why was the Looking Glass transmitting directly to Penny immediately after the jamming switch was turned off?

Was the code programmed by some DHARMA-bum Beach Boy fan or by the Others?

Why did Ben lie that it had been flooded?

What was the assignment in Canada that Greta and Boonie were supposed to be on? Was it in Prescott, Ontario?

Henry Gale
Who was the real Henry Gale?

Is Rose related to the real Henry Gale?

I don't know if this would go under "Henry Gale" or under "Others". My question is: Why does UnHenry say "We're the good guys, Michael"? And does he really beleive that? And if he does, why does he? 8/31/06

Horse (black)

Where did Kate's black horse come from?

Hurley Bird
What's up with the talking "Hurley" bird?

What is it about the island that allows them to know things about each other (via dreams/visions)?

Is the island really a snowglobe, and if so, how is that possible?

Why are people magically healed on the island (Rose, Locke, Sawyer, Jin)?

Why was Shannon's asthma not healed by the island?

Where is the Island?

What did he mean when he said flying lessons weren't for him?

How did he get a straight blade (used to operate on the Marshall) on the plane after 9/11/01? It was possibly in checked baggage, along with the fireworks.

Why did Jack need the tattoo so badly? When exactly in his past was he in Thailand?

What are his feelings towards Juliet, especially in light of his admission of love to Kate?

Jack's wife, Sarah
Who was Jack's wife having the affair with?

Who is the father of her baby?


Who, or what, is he?

Did he heal Rachel's cancer, or was that a ruse by Ben?

What is the meaning of "God loves you as He loved Jacob" in Room 23?

Why was the circle around his cabin made of? What was its purpose or significance?

Why are the Others so in awe of him if they have never seen him? Did he exist on the island before the purge?

Why did he ask Locke for help? Why was Ben angry when Locke told him what Jacob said? Why couldn't Ben hear it?

Why does Jacob dislike technology?

How does Jacob summon Ben?

Were the events in the cabin staged for Locke? What happened to the fire, and why was the lantern unbroken afterwards?

Does he have four toes?

James Ford (Sawyer)

How did Juliet know that Sawyer killed a man in Sydney?

Juliet Burke

Where do her true loyalties lie?

Has she really told Jack everything she knows?


What happened during her meeting with Ben on the beach after being captured? Why did Ben warn her that the next two weeks wer going to be very unpleasant? What were his original plans for her? Did they come to pass?

Did the Others put Kate and Sawyer in opposite cages to get them to sleep together? Is Kate pregnant?

What did Mikhail mean when he said that she was flawed?

Kelvin Inman
What happened to Kelvin's body?

Who was Inman creating the island map for, and why with ink only visible with a black light?

Who was Inman's previous partner, and why did he kill himself? (DID he kill himself, or was that just a story Inman made up?) His name was Radzinksky.

Was Kelvin leftover DHARMA or was he an Other? When did he arrive on the island in relation to the purge?

Is he really dead?

Why was Libby in the nut house?

Is it coincidence that Libby's husband's name is David (Hurley's Dave)?

Is Libby a Widmore?

Does Libby actually have a twin?

Was Libby in the mental health ward before or after she met Desmond? All we know so far is that it is before Hurley won the lottery. (6/9/2007)

Was Libby killed to disprove the redemption theory, or simply as a red herring?

Was Libby's meeting with Desmond just a coincidence?

Why did the Island take away Locke's ability to walk for a moment? This happened during the first boar hunt (when Michael was gored in the leg), after he and Boone had found the Beechcraft (which is why Boone climbed into the plane raher than Locke), and as he lay in the mass grave after being shot by Ben. It also happened after his leg was pieced by the blast door (he dragged himself across the floor looking for Ben, and when he found him, he could stand again). (6/9/2007)

Was Ben really coming for him? If so, why does Mikhail say that he is flawed and not on the list?

Why was Locke wet when he returned from rigging the submarine to explode?

How did he find the Losties at the radio tower? Did "Walt" instruct him to stop the phone contact?

Why did he kill Naomi and then balk at killing Jack?

How did the Marshall's "checked" gun case end up under the seats of 2 passengers? It was put with "crew baggage," which isn't checked, but doesn't explain how it got under the seats of two passengers. (6/9/2007)

What would Michael have done if it were Sawyer and Hurley in the hatch (vs. A-L and Libby)? Rhetorical; there's really no way of knowing, but possibly he would have shot them too.

How long was Michael in Australia to get Walt (Walt said mom died 2 weeks ago, Locke makes comment Walt having a bad month)?

Mikhail Bakunin

Is he finally dead?

Mittelos Bioscience

Is there a connection between Mittelos and DHARMA? Was there a hostile takeover?

Was Edmund Burke's death caused by Mittelos?

What is the tree stomping monster?

Do we, or do we not see the smoke monster for the 1st time just as the engine explodes?

Is there more than one (tree stomper vs. mcsmokey smoke smoke)?

Why does the monster never bother the tailies?

Why haven't we seen the smoke monster since Eko's standoff? *Note: We may THINK we haven't seen the smoke monster since Eko's encounter with it, but according to the producer's podcast finale, we HAVE seen it -- we just haven't recognized it. We saw it again when it went after Kate and Juliet. If it is responsible for the 'visions' on the island (Kate's horse, Jack's dad, etc.), then it may be that we've seen it more than we know.

If it is a security system, as Rouseau descibes it, what is it guarding?

What is it's relationship with the Others? Or Jacob? Who, if anyone, controls it?

Is in confined to certain parts of the island, and need a connection to the ground?

Does it "read" people with the flashes? Did it "read" Locke and Eko the first time it met them? Is this why Locke said it was "beautiful?"

Who did Eko mean when he said that the Monster said to him that "you're next?" Locke, all of them? Locke says that Eko told him that the Monster said "we're next," but that could just be his interpretation of "you're next," as the second person is same for both singular and plural. (6/9/2007)


Who brought her to the island, and who is waiting on the boat?

Was she lying about Flight 815 being found in an ocean trench near Bali?

Will her people really kill every living thing on the Island? How does Ben know about them? have they attempted to attacke the Island before?

Is she dead?

What is the significance of the numbers?

Orientation Film
Why were sections of the film cut out & why did one piece end up in the tailies hatch?

Where are the rest of the Orientation sections?

Who put the 2nd film in the Bible? Kelvin says that Radzinksy made some edits, but doesn't explain why (6/9/2007)

Why did they let Walt go? Did they really let Walt go?

Where are they getting the gas for a power boat? It seems that they have power sources and supply drops to sustain their community, but who are they workng with off-island?

Why do they want Jack, Sawyer, and Kate? Jack was needed to perform surgery on Ben; Kate and Sawyer are still be debated.

How many boats do they have? How can they spare one for Michael/Walt?

What was the source of conflict with DHARMA?

Why did Tom let Jack, Kate, and Sawyer go at The Line? I've studied this scene in both "The Hunting Party" and "Three Minutes." In the latter, it shows that other than Tom, there were three other men plus Alex present among the Others at The Line, so they were three against four, plus one unreliable teenaged girl. They had been lying in wait for Michael (since they probably lured him out with the 'meassge' from Walt), and captured him quickly. They also may not have had orders from Ben to capture Kate, Sawyer, and Jack, since it seems that their purpose was to capture Michael. (6/9/2007)

How did the Others leave the barracks without leaving a trail? Are there underground tunnels?

Is there another group of Hostiles out there?

Did the Hostiles have contact with the outside world before the Purge?

Are they the original inhabitants of the Island?

Why were they building a runway?

What did the Pilot mean when he said the radio went out and no one could see them?

Why did the monster kill the pilot?

There is a leaf with a bright yellow line across it 2-3" wide-what is it?

There is a huge singe mark outside plane b/t cockpit and 1st class windows-???

Inside cockpit, there is a long, circular plastic object on top of a newspaper-???

Polar Bears
Where did the polar bears come from? From the Hydra station cages. I assume, then, that they swam over to the larger island.


When did the problem with pregancies on the Island start? Was it post-purge?

Does the problem happen at conception?

Is it related to the healing properties of the Island?

Will the problem effect Sun?

Is it coincidence that Ben's mother died in childbirth?

If the psychic is fake, why did he say Claire had to be on that one flight?

Is Richard Malkin (psychic) connected with Dharma (gather info on ppl. so Dharma can pick test subject)?


When exactly did the purge take place?

Were the children spared and taken?

Why did the Hostiles wait so long to initiate the Purge?

Radio Tower
Where is the radio tower on the island? It was about a two-day trek from the Losties Beach. However, Rousseau said that it was near the Black Rock, which was less than a day's hike to and from.

Richard Alpert

Why is he allowed to leave the island and return to it?

Why was Ben made leader above him? Is he still loyal to Ben?

Was he born on the island?

Why did he recruit Ben for the purge? Did he need an insider?

Why does he not personally know Jacob?

How old is he?

Who is his plastic surgeon?

What was the sickness that made her kill her team?

What power source did she use to power her batteries? Did she splice into the cable?

Why was she left alone by the Others for so long after they kidnapped Alex?

When did she actually arrive on the island? Was it after the purge?

Is she telling the truth?

Sayid Jarrah

Why was he digging a hole in the jungle in "The Brig"?

Shannon & Boone
Shannon & Boone-are they Widmores?

Why are there so many connections between the lost survivors prior ot the crash?

Why were the no survivors (except the pilot, briefly) from 1st class?

Could the passengers of flight 815 have been chosen?

Was he at the crash site in the pilot (taken from clip captured on thetailsection.com) ?!?

Can Walt use some kind of teleportation, or out of body experience (Ms. Klugh, Shannon/Sayid)?

Are the visions of Walt by Shannon and Locke manifested by Walt or by the Island/Smokey?

What did Ben mean when he said they got more than they bargained for with Walt?

Did Walt sail away with Michael, or is he still on the island? Was he just a manifestation, like Jack's dad and Eko's brother?

Why did Walt warn Locke about opening "that thing"? Did he really mean the hatch? Did he get a premonition when he shook Locke's hand?

Walt's mom
How did Walt's mom die? Brian reported that she had a blood disorder, but that is all we have to go on so far.

What was the blood disorder and how did she die so fast?

Did she really die? We never see a body. Maybe that was Brian's way of getting Walt out of their lives. He seemed to be creeped out by him. Maybe he is or isn't part of Dharma, but in any case is not above kidnapping his own wife to make her child think she is dead.

Walt's step-dad
Why didn't Brian just bring Walt to the states with him instead of sending Michael to Australia to pick him up? I just watched this scene, and it happens the dy after Susan dies. Brian has come to negotiate wih Michael to take Walt back, and may have been unsure whether or not he would. That may be why he didn't bring Walt.

Is Brian a part of Dharma and he kidnapped/disposed of Walt's mom in order to get Walt to the island?

Brian is the one who booked and paid for Michael's and Walt's flight on Oceanic 815, does that mean he's an Other/Dharma/Hanso guy?

Where do the whispers come from?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo! This is awesome! It's put together so well and easy to reference.

Please don't take this comment as disrespectful but the white on black is tough on the ole eyes. Maybe it's just me.

The new blog idea is great and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of the LB and GB collaboration!

June 27, 2006 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, most importantly, THANKS for all the hard work guys!

June 27, 2006 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a ton of questions. I've got more swirling around in my brain, just waiting for me to put them into some kind of coherent form. You guys did a great job on this. Thanks!

June 27, 2006 10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I feel like my head is going to explode!!! Thanks.

June 28, 2006 12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the black on white kinda reminds me of the lost logo -> white letters on the black background. sets the mood, if you know what i mean.:-)

June 28, 2006 8:42 AM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

Bravo Lostbean! You're first edit!

June 28, 2006 11:17 AM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

Oh and the blog is now on eastern standard time.
ktwolf will be pleased...

June 28, 2006 11:18 AM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

ktwolf -
I have a buddy who always says "I'm an English Major. I was told there would be no math..."
Actually, it's the guy who calls himself "Damion" and has the blog I plugged two weeks ago...
It always makes me laugh.
He uses it so much that since I spend time studying English at University (And have the poor spelling skills to prove it), I've started using it too.

June 28, 2006 3:25 PM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

Thanks JenMin! Glad you like!
Anonymous doesn't like the lettering but so far seems to be in the minority.
I'll keep an eye on the comments here. If it seems to be a real issue for more than a few folks, I'll find a way to deal with it.
Hmmm...maybe another minipoll...

June 28, 2006 3:30 PM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

ktwolf -
I'll chat with Lostbean about making the new questions stand out more.
Maybe a colour change to the lettering? Larger lettering? Surround the new question with * ?

June 28, 2006 3:34 PM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

ktwolf -
Well, since Lostbean is gonna be the one doing the lion's share of the editing, I'll let her make the call on style. Date and colour change make sense to me, but it makes it more work once a post becomes "old".
Whatcha think LB?

June 28, 2006 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ktwolf: "Humans don't do math"?!? I almost fell out of my chair! Some of us are pretty good at it. Please don't make me question my origins....;>)

GB & LB: My eyes are pretty bad, but I didn't have any problems with reading the white on black. I do agree that it would be nice to know when and where a new question has been added to the list.

LB: Yesterday we talked about the cable. Should that be added to the list?

June 28, 2006 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LB: The red for new questions looks good. You might want to add a sentence to the introductory paragraph that lets people know that the red items are recent additions to the list.

As to the right/left sides of the brain thing, my sides are in pretty good shape but it's everything in the middle that gets all jumbled up! :>)

June 28, 2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job, LB!

June 28, 2006 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a great job on this one! I like seeing the new questions in red. Now, what are you going to do when we get some answers? Notice how optimistic I am, saying "when" instead of "if?"

June 28, 2006 8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GB and LB,

As a graphic designer, I've always been told that black on white type should be frowned upon and can cause "eye fatique," but personally I think that if the type is big enough to read (and it is), that the page looks really great. Don't change a thing, that's my blessing, from the self-proclaimed expert on typography.

Great job on the site and the questions. You guys rock! Thanks for all your hard work.

June 29, 2006 2:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LB: Another question: If Bernard was going to the bathroom when the plane broke apart, how did he end up strapped in a seat in a tree?

July 02, 2006 10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ktwolf: I understand about the tree part, it was the part about being strapped in a seat that puzzled me since I thought that the tail section broke off rather quickly and without much warning.

Yes, first class was full. That's why Shannon pitched a fit about having to fly coach.

I'm not sure if Charlie was in a seat or not. The last time I saw him he was exiting First Class and immediately dodging a runaway beverage cart.

July 02, 2006 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ktwolf: OK. I can buy that. Since I don't have a DVD player, I'm having to rely on my memory (such as it is), reruns, GB's recaps and another site's dialogue transcripts to sort these things out. These discussion boards really help. Thanks.

July 02, 2006 5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Walt's mom's death

Did she really die? We never see a body. Maybe that was Brian's way of getting Walt out of their lives. He seemed to be creeped out by him. Maybe he is or isn't part of Dharma, but in any case is not above kidnapping his own wife to make her child think she is dead.

July 09, 2006 1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a theory on the Tailies Hatch. If I recall correctly, Eko's brother's body was not in the plane when Charlie took the staues off it. What if Eko's brother and such were in that Hatch. It would explain the Bible and the glass eye.

July 13, 2006 9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANON: According to last night's repeat episode, Eko's brother's body WAS still in the plane. That's why he burned it.

July 13, 2006 10:31 AM  
Blogger Gerry said...

In one of the last episodes where AL acquires the gun from Sawyer, was it my imagination or does unhenry call AL, sarah? It's in the scene where she's pointing the gun at him and he's telling her how bad she is. This has been bugging me for a long time. And, if he did call her sarah, how would he know that name unless Jack's dad is really on the island, alive? Of course, if it was my imagination, then .....nevermind.

I'm really hoping it wasn't my imagination, if you know what I mean.

July 13, 2006 10:06 PM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

Ok, Gerry. Now I have to go back and rewatch that ep. tonight. That'll bug me until I know. I don't recall anything like that, but I'll check.

July 14, 2006 9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good list but no where near as comprehensive as this fans site

Complete List of LOST Mysteries

July 25, 2006 3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, LB. It looks like some of the questions have disappeared. Que paso?

July 25, 2006 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LB: I think that the questions were removed along with the red font. Notice all of the big blank spaces now. I noticed this because I was looking for my original question about the cable.

July 26, 2006 3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LG & GB: No more big blank spaces. Lookin' good! Thanks.

July 27, 2006 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Episode 16, while playing "I never", we learn that Kate had been married. Did I miss something or have the writers not gone into that yet?

July 30, 2006 2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

August 12, 2006 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto for everything "anonymous" said just above.
Thank you also for your hard work in this "Pesky Questions" area! :)

August 14, 2006 10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

August 17, 2006 6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anonymous trying to tempt us into clicking in their link.......

August 18, 2006 5:31 PM  
Blogger Greybishop said...

L-i-G -
That'd be my guess.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, since the post is complementary and not offensive, but fair warning to "anonymous" if you're a comment bot, I'll eventually get around to deleting you...

August 19, 2006 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if this would go under "Henry Gale" or under "Others". My question is; Why does UnHenry say "We're the good guys, Michael"? And does he really beleive that? And if he does, why does he?

August 31, 2006 1:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a question I've had since the first season. If I found myself stranded somewhere, the first thing I would do (after finding drinkable water, food and shelter) is look for any signs of civilization. I would find the highest point to climb and survey my surroundings or, at least, walk the shoreline looking for a town/harbor/etc.

Sayid is the only one of our Losties who has even considered that. Granted, our Losties have only been there for about 2 months, but, surely, Danielle should have explored the entire thing in 16 years!

That just isn't logical to me.

October 05, 2006 4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the island truly is in a bottle, how did Desmond's boat get into the bottle in the first place? Did someone give him a race map with coordinates that would lead him there? Was there an electromagnetic failure that allowed him to enter? Did he find his way in by accident?

October 12, 2006 7:36 PM  
Blogger Sawsee said...

How did the others get to the sailboat unseen?

How did Goodwin get from Wisteria Village to the Tailies in 10 minutes (as a.L. reported)?

October 14, 2006 11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, GB. You gave me a plausible answer on the EW Board as to how Desmond's boat got "into the bottle". Let me challenge you with another question. How did the French Scientists' boat get "into the bottle" 16 years ago?

October 15, 2006 3:34 PM  
Blogger Charlotte said...

I'm taking a break from posting new questions, but positing an answer of my own, just to get the discussion going again.

Where is the island?

I think the island is at 4.815 latitude and 162.342 longitude. These coordinates correspond to 4 places on the globe, all in the Pacific Ocean.

The first two possiblities are west of the International Dateline (180 degrees longitude). The first, south of the equator, would put it around the Solomon Islands. The one north of the equator would put it just southwest of thre Marshall Islands in Micronesia.

East of the International Dateline, it would fall around Palmyra Island north of the equator, just south of Hawaii.

The southern one, which I think is the most likely place for the island, is in the middle of an island nation called Kiribati, in an open space of water. This would put it NE of Fiji (and Desmond said that he would sail west to get to Fiji) and NW of Tahiti, where Rousseau reported that her boat had come from.

May 27, 2007 4:47 PM  
Blogger Prettyeyes said...

Don't know if this has been mentioned or not if so sorry but the phrase "God loves you as He loved Jacob" why "loved" as in the past tense....could this be why Ben has no faith in God?

May 28, 2007 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First- terrific job! Love this questions area.

Second a question: if the writers or producers give a definitive answer, would that be enough for it to be a real answer? I have listened to most of C & L's podcasts and they have actually answered a bunch of stuff that currently is listed without answers. Should I send along their answers to you, LB?

May 28, 2007 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, pretty eyes- the past tense is pretty strange. I guess it is b/c Jacob is assumed to be dead since the stories about him happen many generations before Jesus comes along. Yet, it seems like they are talking about Jacob on the island, too. Maybe Jacob is now just a spirit.

May 28, 2007 11:10 PM  
Blogger Charlotte said...

cclost - Go ahead and post any answers you have here, and we'll add them to the list. There are some answers that may have been addressed during podcasts, etc., but I haven't accessed those yet.

May 29, 2007 10:52 AM  

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